Social gatherings are the glue that connects Redeemer’s parish family. We miss the fellowship events that help us develop community. We can’t wait until COVID restrictions ease, so that we can start to plan and host socials such as picnics, dinners, field days, or dances. Interested in joining the fun?

The Parish Life commission plans the church social calendar for parishioners and friends. Prior to COVID-19 closures in 2020, we hosted a Twelfth Night family party, a men’s wild game dinner, and the Father-Daughter Valentine dance, all of which provided opportunities for fellowship and fun. Already planned but cancelled were an Irish family feast with entertainment for St. Patrick’s Day, a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, Easter breakfast with an Easter egg hunt, and family Thanksgiving feast. Italian Night, Oktoberfest and other events are scheduled on an occasional basis. Some gatherings are potluck; others are catered with small donations requested. 

Not all social events involve large groups. Smaller foyer groups of 6-8 persons usually have dinner together. They adapted by meeting virtually or in a socially-distant fashion. The book club and bridge group are on hold.

The pandemic has affected our ability to gather as a parish, but we hope in 2021 to develop new ideas to bring us together once again. We will celebrate our faith community at Redeemer. Stay posted, and join us when we resume our activities!

Questions? Please contact Beth McGurl at