Children’s formation has long been a hallmark of Redeemer, and our hope is that our children continue to grow in numbers, but more importantly, in faith. In addition to Sunday School, ReACh (Redeemer Activities for Children) provides extensive offerings throughout the year.
Contact: Allison Pace, Director of Children & Youth Ministries (804)379-8899 or
Acolytes & Lay Readers
Starting with 4th Grade
Children are invited to become acolytes and lay readers during our Sunday Eucharistic Services. Please email Allison Pace (readers) or Dan Walker (acolytes) for more information!
Children’s Chapel
PreK3 -> 5th Grade
Beginning on September 18, children are invited to chapel for the beginning part of our Sunday Service. Adult volunteers are welcome!
Children’s Choir
PreK3 -> 5th Grade
More information about this offering will be communicated with families soon!
Nursery | 8:30 AM - 12 PM
Infant -> 2 Years
Our warm, welcoming nursery is located in our Education Wing and is staffed by paid, Safe Church Trained adults and is designed to give parents a few moments for their spiritual growth and nourishment. Please know, that children of all ages are always welcome in our worship services. Please email Kristen Wheeler, our head nursery attendant, for more information about our nursery ministry!
Worship Bags
Worship Bags are available for children if they wish to stay with their parents during the service.
Begins September 18, 2022 at 9:30 AM
Click here to register your children for Sunday School!
Weaving God’s Promises | Pre-K3 -> 5th Grade
This curriculum offers our children the opportunity to deeply explore Bible stories, sacraments of our church, liturgy, & more! Weaving God's Promises meets children where they are in developmentally appropriate ways. Our children will be grouped as follows:
PreK3 & PreK4
Kindergarten & First Grade
Second & Third Grade
Fourth & Fifth Grade
Redeemer's Committee on Children & Youth Ministries
A faithful group of Redeemer parishioners has been called to form our Committee on Children & Youth Ministries. This committee typically meets once per month and are faithful volunteers with our children and youth programs. The following are the current parishioners who have accepted a call to join this committee:
Allison Pace, Co-Chair and Director of Children & Youth Ministries
Carrie Sue Casey, Co-Chair & Vestry Member
Kristen Wheeler, Head Nursery Attendant
Anne Counoupas
Cynthia Lisowski
Jeff Pond
Meredith Baker
Tara Keeven
Tim Layton
If you would like to learn more about Redeemer's Committee on Children & Youth Ministries please contact one of our Co-Chairs: Carrie Sue Casey ( or Allison Pace (